List of Algorithms
Minimum Spanning Trees
- Krusikal’s (Any point but min with no cycle)
- Prim’s (From starting point)
Graph Traversal Techniques
- Djkstra’s Shortest Path
- Apply DFS for checking cut vertex
Eulerian/Hamiltonian Graphs
- Eulerian Graph even degree
- Fleury’s Algorithm
- Closure of Graph
- Sufficient conditions of Hamiltonian Graph (and Restricted Hamiltonian Algo)
Travelling Salesman Problem
- TSP1- From weight matrix, draw tables
- TSP2 - Take min span, DFS from leaf node and join all endpoints
Network Flow Algo - MaxFlow Mincut
- D3 Graph Theory
- Algebraic Graph Theory Courses by Dan Spielman and his Miracles video
- Spectral Graph Theory Course and sources from Dan’s Course
- Recommended Papers for Eigenvalues of Graphs with applications by Dan
Proof/Question Hints
graph TD
A[Proof Types in Graphs and Networks] --> B[Contradiction]
A --> C[Construction or deletion]
A --> D[Induction]
Induction is by far the most popular. Contradiction is sometimes used with a construction
- Take Longest path in graph (delete or not)
- Check type of cycles in graph
- Adjacency Matrix, Caylay Matrix, Graph Laplacian and Incidence Matrix based approach
- Number of components more or less (cut-edge, hamiltonian…)
- If cycle length 2, Bipartite
- Planar = draw planar drawing
- Non-planar
- Euler’s Formula or 5-degree or variants(girth-analysis)
- Check any Subgraph non-planar
- Kuratowski and/or Wagner
- If no triangles, then relation between q & r (where q unrestricted)
List of Theorems
- Isomorphic if complement is isomorphic
- Every tree (with >= 2 vertices) has >=2 leaves
- Simple G with n vert, k components, has atleast n-k edges
- Characterstics of Tree
- If G has walk, G contains path
- Every closed odd walk contains odd cycle
- Bipartite iff no odd cycle
- Kirchoff’s Matrix-Tree Thm
- Caylay Thm
- Euler even degree (and disjoint cycle) thm
- Whitney’s Thm
- Euler’s Planar Graph Formula and Thm
- Max Planar Graph thms using Girth Formula
- Planarity of Graphs - Kuratowski and Wagner Thms
- Graph Coloring
- Simple graph with K-blocks has max chromatic no. of blocks
- For any simple graph, max chromatic no. < max degree + 1
- Five Color Theorem (Step towards of 4 Color Thm)
Week Wise Review
Week 1
- Types of Graphs
- Graphical Sequence Algorithm
- Degree Sum and Edges relation
- Neighbourhood (open/close)
- k-regular graphs
- Isomorphic or not
- Subgraphs and Induced Subgraphs
Types of Graphs
- Null
- Complete
- Bipartite
- Complete Bipartite
- Cycle
- Path
- (Graphs n = 1, 2 vertices)
- (self-compliment Graphs)
- (planar graphs)
Week 2
graph TD
A[Walk] --> B[Trails]
A --> C[Closed Walk]
B --> D[Paths]
B --> E[Circuits]
C --> E
E --> F[Cycle]
See Examples for each Case!
walk :: anything from start_vertex to end_vertex
trail :: edges distinct
path :: vertices distinct
closed walk :: start_vertex = end_vertex
Connectivity, Components
Cut-Edge, Cut-Vertex
Contraction of graph, minor of a graph (Contraction)
Weakly/Strongly Connected
Isomorphic Graphs
graph LR
A[Degree Sequence] --> B[Degrees of connection of those vertices]
B --> C[Find Points Mapping]
- Odd/Even Cycles and/or biparitite
- Compliment Isomorphism
Week 3
- Trees, Forests (star, path)
- Represent arithematical equations graphically
- Every tree has k leaves
- G contains atleast $E - V + 1$ cycles
- Characterstics of Tree (see proof)
- distance: shortest u,v path in tree (don’t count start!)
- eccentricity: max of distance between all u-v path for u
- diameter: max of eccentricites of all vertices (farthest two points)
- center: point with min eccentricity
- radius: min of eccentricities (or eccentricity of center)
- rooted trees, ordered rooted trees, parent, child, ancestor, descendants, siblings
- Binary trees, Regular binary trees (deg 3 or less)
Week 4
- wiring, spanning trees, spanning forests
- Three main types of Matrices
- Adjacency Matrix: (V, V) based and shows no. of edges between each pair of vertices (1 or 0 only for simple graphs)
- Incidence Matrix: which edges are incident for each vertex (V, E)
- Graph Laplacian: Degree of vertices along diagonal. -1 wherever edge. 0 wherever no edges. See graph laplacian video
- Kirchoff’s Matrix-Tree Thm
- Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, Weight Func
- Krusikal and Prim’s Min Spanning Tree finding algo
Week 5
- Edge Based
- eulerian trail( n-2 even 2 odd )
- eulerian circuit (all even)
- eulerian graph (contains eulerian circuit)
- Euler-Path finding algorithm (and proof of even degree)
- Fleury’s Algo
- Hamiltonian path, hamiltonian graph, sufficient conditions for hamiltonian graph
Hamiltonian Cycle is just another way of saying subgraph Cn!
- Hamiltonian closure and finding hamiltonian graphs
- TSP1 and TSP2 graph algos
Week 6
- Connectivity, edge cuts, k-edge-connected(returns bool), edge-connectivity (returns int connectivity)
- Vertex Connectivity, Vertex-Cut Set, min degree, max degree
- Whitney’s Thm
Network Flows and Related Topics (Week before Midsem)
- Flow - flow, capacity, source, sink
- Maximum Flow Problem :: Ford-Fulkerson Algo, Residual Graph, Augmented Paths
- Min Cut Problem :: S-T cut, Cap(A, B), Cut where Residual Graph paths end
- Flow value Lemma (same as out of source)
- Max-Flow Min-Cut Thm $$ val(f) = \sum*{out\ of\ a} f(e) - \sum*{in\ to\ a} f(e) = \sum_{out\ of\ a} f(e) = cap(A, B)$$
- Disjoint Paths - Ford-Fulkerson with capacities all 1
- Menger’s Thm - Min no. of vertices required to be removed to disconnect u-v path
- k-connected k-vertex disjoint paths
Blocks and Block Diagrams
graph TD
A[Find all cut vertices] --> B[Mark out Blocks such that one not contained in other]
B --> C[Draw Graph with block dots and cut vertex dots]
Week 7
- Planar Graphs, Planar Embeddings
- Planar Drawing
- Face, Boundary
- Euler’s Graph Formula p - q + r = 2
- Maximal Planar Graphs and Girth Formula $$ \frac{g(n-2)}{g-2}$$
- Homeomorphic and Subdivisions
- Kuratowski and Wagner Thms
- Duality / Dual Plane
- Crossing Number
Kuratowski/Wagner Thm
graph LR;
A[Indentify partition of vertices] --> B[Delete Edges to trim down to Bipartite];
Week 8
- Chromatic Number of Graph, k-colorable
- Chromatic No. of Blocks thm and max degree + 1 thms
- Booke’s Thm Neither Complete nor odd cycle < max degree
- 5 Color Thm (Towards 4-color)
- Edge Chromatic No. and Thm for Bipartite graphs and simple graph